New Urban Kampung Gamification App
Swag Soft was engaged to develop New Urban Kampung, a research initiative between the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Housing and Development Board (HDB). This gamified web-based application aims to reignite the "Kampung spirit" in modern-day Singapore, targeting residents aged 40 to 60.
Centered around event-organizing, New Urban Kampung allows residents to organize events such as birthday parties, fundraising drives, and culture-sharing sessions. With leaderboards, points, and colorful badges, residents are incentivized to take on different roles in these activities. The platform also encourages residents to create interest groups, ensuring that the content appearing in their feeds is relevant and engaging.
New Urban Kampung Gamification App
Swag Soft was engaged to develop New Urban Kampung, a research initiative between the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Housing and Development Board (HDB). This gamified web-based application aims to reignite the "Kampung spirit" in modern-day Singapore, targeting residents aged 40 to 60.
Centered around event-organizing, New Urban Kampung allows residents to organize events such as birthday parties, fundraising drives, and culture-sharing sessions. With leaderboards, points, and colorful badges, residents are incentivized to take on different roles in these activities. The platform also encourages residents to create interest groups, ensuring that the content appearing in their feeds is relevant and engaging.